5 Buzzwords – Damodaran

19 Jan 2017

I have started reading Damodaran’s materials for my classes. His Corporate Finance and Valuation classes happen to be really helpful as I am taking BF3101 Corp Fin and BF3103 Equity securities this semesters. I made a new year resolution to use his slides and readings to complement my preparation for classes and I think it is super useful.


I love the post about BUZZWORDS as it presents common mistakes that we made in making investment theses and other investment statement. I think I made at least quite a few:

  1. Growth potential: I held a very optimistic view on Tencent for its growth potential, I shall revisit this after the post.
  2. China: I made China’s JV as my largest buy call for Sheng Siong, but again I made the exact common mistake mentioned here. I need to revise my writing again I feel.